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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This article must not have been published or is currently under consideration for publication in another journal, if it was under process please explain the reasons. In addition, please explain the novelty, usibility, and interesting of the article to editors.
  • Research articles that are part of the thesis for graduation must have a certificate and signature from an advisor. it must be uploaded with the article submission in file type "Other".
  • Complte the submiossion form and upload scaned document in "Other" file type. It is noted that the authors' name must be ordered like as article.
  • The manuscript must be in word for window and submitted via website: . Moreover, the document must be written in A4 Layout and no more than 14 pages by following the journal's article writing instructions.
  • After submission was completed, editors will check all requirements and send the article to peer-review process. It must be reviewed by at least 3 expertises, after that, editorial borad will contact to corresponding author to revise the manuscript with the comments.
  • We are strongly recommend to leave the fullname and mobile number or any concern message in the "Comment for Editor". If there are concerns in that comment, we will contact to you as soon as posible. By the way, please re-check that all context have been saved properly.
  • According to online journal process, all communication between publisher and authors are electronic mail, please make sure that corresponding email is alway active. If you have not received any email(some time there are in the spam/junk mail) from us, please contact to

Author Guidelines

Before submitting, please ensure you have read the author guidelines, followed the submission process, and used the journal template to write your manuscript. You can access these links below:

Author Guidelines

Submission Process

Manuscript Template

Submission Form

*It is important to note that publishing articles in the ETH journal does not require any payment. It is completely free of charge. The School of Engineering at KMITL covers the full cost of publication without any expense to the authors.

Research Articles

Research article: A research article is a document with a form of research according to academic principles; for example, there is a hypothesis or a reasonably identified problem. In addition, it must clearly state objectives, systematic research, collect data for consideration, analysis, interpretation, and conclusion of research that can provide answers to certain objectives or principles that will lead to academic advancement or practical application.

Academic Articles

Academic article:  An academic article is written in the manner of analyzing, criticizing, or proposing new ideas from an academic basis that has been compiled from the academic work of one's own or that of others, or an academic article written for general knowledge for the public.

Privacy Statement

At Engineering and Technology Horizons, we value your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. This privacy statement outlines the types of personal information we collect as a journal and how we use that information. Personal information refers to any data that pertains to an individual and is collected by our journal.

The names, titles, affiliations, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and other contact details, including postal address entered in this journal site, will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other parties.