การออกแบบและพัฒนาดอกสว่านในการเจาะรูชิ้นงานอลูมิเนียมด้วยเครื่องจักรอัตโนมัติ: กรณีศึกษาบริษัทผลิตชิ้นส่วนรถจักรยานยนต์
Drilling Speed, Feed Rate, Drilling Hole, Surface RoughnessAbstract
This research work aimed to increase productivity by designing and developing drills for drilling holes in Holder Head Light with CNC milling machines. Using cause and effect diagram assisted in analyzing problem of hole punching. The minor was caused by need to use workpiece chamfer separately from drill pit, resulting in low productivity. Therefore, the researcher revised the work method. The workpiece drill pit and workpiece chamfer were combined to reduce time to change drill pit. The experiment was done, statistical method was used, a general full factorial was designed to find the optimum conditions for drilling workpieces with new developed drill pit. Result from experiment was found that the optimum factor for new drill at a speed of 3,000 rev/mm and a feed rate of 250 mm/min and new drilling pit, it will get better surface roughness values than original drill pit. The original surface roughness was improved from at the averaged of Rz 8.484 µm to Rz 5.103 µm. It was possible to increase productivity of workpieces from 282 pieces per day to 297 pieces per day, and increase of 15 pieces per day.
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