Adsorption characteristics of methylene blue onto low-cost dried and calcined water hyacinth: A batch and fixed-bed column study
Adsorption, Methylene blue, Water hyacinth, Low-cost adsorbent, Fixed bed columnAbstract
This study investigated the potential of using two types of water hyacinth as adsorbents for removing Methylene Blue (MB) from aqueous solutions. The Langmuir isotherm model best fits the adsorption isotherm data, with Dried Water Hyacinth (DWH) performing better than Calcined Water Hyacinth (CWH). The modeling data breakthrough curve indicated that DWH and CWH followed pseudo-second-order kinetics monolayer chemical sorption. Even though DWH has a lower adsorption capacity than activated carbon and other expensive adsorbents, it is comparable to, or performed better than other low-cost adsorbents.
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