Effect of the Angle between Steel Fiber Orientation and Failure Plane on Compressive and Flexural Strengths of Self-Compacting Mortars
Compressive strength, Fiber orientation, Flexural strength, Self-compacting mortar, Steel fibersAbstract
This paper presents effects of the angle between steel fiber orientation and failure plane (qf) on compressive strength and flexural strength of self-compacting mortar. Mortar proportions contained water to cement ratio of 35% and 45% with sand to mortar ratio of 40%, 45% and 50%. Fiber quantity of 0.8% and 1.6% by volume of mortar are compared and the influence of the angle between steel fiber orientation and failure plane (qf) of 0°, 30°, 45°, and 90° is studied. Research results showed that the compressive strength increased approximately 20% by increasing fiber amount of 0.8%, but it was found that the compressive strength reduced with the increase of steel fiber to 1.6%. The angle between steel fiber orientation and failure plane (qf) at 30° and 45°. affected in an increase in flexural strength by an average of 50%-70% when compared to the qf of 0°. However, it was found that the compressive strength decreased from the highest value by approximately 20%-30% with the qf of 90°. The most efficient reinforcing steel fiber in self-compacting mortar requires a consideration of fiber content, fiber orientation, and failure plane.
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