Solar battery charger by monitoring via Smartphone application
Solar cell; monitoring system; Blynk application; solar battery charger.Abstract
Solar cell monitoring system using the Blynk application has some restrictions in crossing platforms for Android and iOS. Because the widget boxes of the Blynk application are limited in the energy usage to only 2,000 joules, the web dashboard also has complexity for the application. This paper proposes a solar battery charger monitoring mobile application for Android and iOS platforms with Firebase, which can operate cross-platform by using Ionic Framework. Cordova is mainly the management of Ionic Framework, which will be getting commands to form HTML, CSS, and Angular JS to each application of Android and iOS. We implement solar battery charger by using simple buck converter interfaces with Arduino board under Pulse Width Modulation to control the battery charger, and using ACS712 module and voltage divider circuit interface with Arduino to measure the current and battery's voltage while charging the battery. NodeMCU is interfaced with an Arduino module for transferring all data via WiFi to Android and iOS Smartphones. Those data will be transferred for the record on Firebase at Cloud Server. For the experimental results, the solar charger can fully charge the battery in 10-12 hours which may depend on the sun's irradiation each day. The average battery voltage after fully charged is 13.8V. On Smartphones of Android and iOS, our applications can control and display the operation correctly. In addition, the application displays the history of battery charging as well. Our research indicates that Firebase has a significant and necessary crossing platform capability on Smartphones that can operate for Android and iOS.
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