Design of a Triple-band Microstrip Bandpass Filter with Wide Harmonic Suppression Based on Stepped-impedance Resonators
Triple-band, microstrip bandpass filter, open-loop stepped-impedance, microwave filterAbstract
This paper presents a triple-band microstrip bandpass filter with a broad harmonic suppression based on stepped-impedance resonators. This stepped-impedance resonator structure reduces the microstrip open-loop halfwave length resonator filter's circuit size. The straightforward design technique is based on three independently different bandpass filters combined in the triple-band filter form. The three independent filters are designed at 900, 1800 MHz, and 2450 MHz center frequency. The excited coupling feeders have also produced the transmission zeros between each filter. An acquirement of their transmission zeros between each passband results in a sharp out-off band rejection. Simulated and measured results show a remarkable agreement that the insertion losses /S21/ inside three passbands are less than 2.1 dB.
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