Application of Remote Sensing Data with HEC-RAS 2D Model to Simulate Floodplain in Mun River Basin
HEC-RAS 2D model, Inundation area, LANDSAT-8 satellite imagery, Land use classification, Mun RiverAbstract
This paper presents an application of remote sensing data using LANDSAT-8 satellite images for land use identification to estimate Manning's roughness coefficient. Then, the land use from satellite images with a two-dimensional HEC-RAS mathematical model is presented. The accuracy of the land use classification was tested, and four categories of land use were categorized using the minimum distance which is a supervised classification technique. Then, the Manning’s roughness coefficient determined from the land-use data was used for two-dimensional simulation. To calibrate and validate this study, data from 2011 and 2014 were used. The best result has an NSE of 0.95-0.97 and an R2 of 0.96-0.99, indicating that it is highly accurate. This two-dimensional
HEC-RAS model has the benefit of being able to simulate flooded regions in varied land use characteristics while using remote sensing data from LANDSAT-8 satellite images.
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