Increasing Efficiency of Cutting Process Thai Enterprises Kanom (Krayasart) of Small Enterprises Kanom Thai Ban Tak


  • ชยันต์ คำบรรลือ Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak
  • ธันย์นรี พรไพรเพชร Department of Business Administration Program in General Management, Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak
  • ไกรสร วงษ์ปู่ Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Tak


work study, ECRS, krayasart


The objective of this project is to reduce the time and fatigue in the process of cutting Krayasart (a type of Thai dessert) for small enterprises Kanom Thai Ban Tak. Traditionally, this process was done by hand by the enterprise members, most of which were the elderly people. We applied the ECRS principle by using S (Simpilfy) to improve work process in designing the equipment, and using the mechanical principle to improve ease of use and maintenance to make it suitable for small businesses and low cost for the instruction. The result revealed that Krayasart cutting time was greatly reduced. Before the improvement, it took 6 minutes per piece (126 minutes per 34 kilogram) whereas after the improvement, the cutting time was 0.5 minutes (10.5 minutes per 34 kilogram) which showed that after improvement, the equipment was able to reduce cutting time by 5.5 minutes per piece (115.5 minutes per 34 kilogram). As a result, the equipment can increase the efficiency of the cutting process by 96.1%


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How to Cite

คำบรรลือ ช., พรไพรเพชร ธ., & วงษ์ปู่ ไ. (2019). Increasing Efficiency of Cutting Process Thai Enterprises Kanom (Krayasart) of Small Enterprises Kanom Thai Ban Tak. RMUTL Engineering Journal, 4(2), 45–53. retrieved from



Research Article