Briquette Ratio Investigation of Charcoal Briquette Produced from Brick-Burning-Process Residual Charcoal


  • ปฐมศก วิไลพล Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Naresuan University
  • ปิยะนันท์ เจริญสวรรค์ Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Naresuan University
  • นพรัตน์ สีหะวงษ์ Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Naresuan University
  • จิรานุวัฒน์ เม่นเกิด Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Naresuan University
  • ปรากรณ์ ประกอบกสิกรณ์ Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Naresuan University
  • ปิยะวัต คำบุญ Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Naresuan University


charcoal briquette, unburned charcoal, brick burning


According to the survey of a SME brick factory, it was found that the brick burning process produces a large amount of charcoal residue. It seems that this kind of waste has high potential as the raw material for charcoal briquetting. In this study, the charcoal was mixed with water and starch. The compressed pressure was set to 5 MPa by using a universal testing machine. The percentage of charcoal : water : starch was varied between  42-51%, 41-51% and 2-14% respectively. The briquette burning test showed that 49:49:2% briquette has the shortest ignition and water boiling durations. In addition, the heating values of the briquettes were between 6726 cal/g.  


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How to Cite

วิไลพล ป., เจริญสวรรค์ ป., สีหะวงษ์ น., เม่นเกิด จ., ประกอบกสิกรณ์ ป., & คำบุญ ป. (2019). Briquette Ratio Investigation of Charcoal Briquette Produced from Brick-Burning-Process Residual Charcoal. RMUTL Engineering Journal, 4(1), 40–50. retrieved from



Research Article