Production and Potential Evaluation of Napier Grass Pellets Using Bio-fermented Solution as a Binder for Utilizing Biomass Fuel in a Downdraft Gasifier
bio-fermented solution, biomass, downdraft gasifier, Napier grass, pelletizingAbstract
This paper presents the production process of Napier grass pellets using a flat die pelletizer and bio-fermented solution as a binder, using a 10 to 4 ratio of Napier grass and bio-fermented solution. The average bulk density and average heating value of the Napier grass pellets is 657 kg/m3 and 18.10 MJ/kg, respectively. In addition, 12 kg of the Napier grass pellets were utilized as biomass fuel in the downdraft model “Extreme Power” gasifier. The fuel gases which were produced from the gasification of the Napier grass pellets contained 10.96% v/v of H2 , 10.74% v/v of CH4, and 3.64% v/v of CO. Potential evaluation of the fuel gases that were utilized as fuel in a cooking stove for thermal energy production was tested. The thermal energy produced was 10,699 kJ. The heat produced was transferred from the air above the cooking stove to 30 kg of water continuously, thus 30 kg of water was boiled an was changed from liquid to gas. Furthermore, the fuel gases were utilized as fuel in the generator to produce electricity. The generator continuously produced electricity which had the potential of 220 volts for 2 minutes. The electricity produced was utilized by various electrical appliances which consume energy in the range of 100 – 1100 watts. The produced electrical energy was 45.94 KW/hour.
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