Design of Broadband Patch Dipole Antenna for Indoor Digital Terrestrial Television Reception
Broadband patch dipole antenna, Digital terrestrial television, Patch dipole antennaAbstract
This paper presents the design of broadband patch dipole antenna for indoor digital terrestrial television. The proposed antenna can be operated in the frequency of 470-790 MHz according to the requirements of Thailand. Two types of the proposed antenna have been presented that has different total sizes. The patch dipole antenna on the dielectric substrate is separated between two arms by small gap. From the simulated results, the proposed antenna has an input impedance of 75 ,
of less than -10 dB, omni-directional pattern, horizontal polarization and 2 dBi gain. The proposed antenna is fabricated and measured. Good agreement is obtained, compared with the simulated results. Therefore, both prototype antennas can be employed for the digital terrestrial television and can be efficiently operated in the indoor environment.
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