Journal Information

The research and development institute (RDI) and the faculty of science and technology (FST) in corporation with the Suandusit University publish a new high-quality journal devoted to innovation of science and technology:

Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development

The Editorial Board is very committed to build the journal as one of the leading international journals in innovation of science and technology in the next few years. With the support of the Research and Development Institute (RDI) and Suandusit University, it is to motivate scholars to write and discuss novel finding and an innovation in the field or related fields of science and technology. The first issue of the journal appears in an early 2019 that publishes per-reviewed reviews and perspectives with one issue per year. From 2022, Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development will consider articles on two issues.

Aims and Scope

Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development (abbreviation; J. Sci. Innov. Sustain. Dev.) aims to provide a forum for a broad blend of the Innovation for environment and health, an occupational health and safety, physical and biological sciences, computer science, as well as all areas of science and technology. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field.


The Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development welcomes the submission of manuscript that meets the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles of an original research article and a review article and a book review published in the Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development are peer-reviewed.


Zero tolerance policy with plagiarism

  • Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development has an originality and a zero tolerance plagiarism policy.
  • We check the submissions by using two methods such as plagiarism prevention tools and reviewer checks.
  • All submissions will be checked by copycatch all in ThaiJo 2.0 and iThenticate plagiarism prevention software before being sent to reviewers.


© 2019–2023 Suandusit University

Call for papers – Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development (J. Sci. Innov. Sustain. Dev.)


Call for papers:

Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development (J. Sci. Innov. Sustain. Dev.) is a new journal, double-blind peer-reviewed, closed access, published by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Suandusit University. It publishes original research, applied, and educational articles in all areas of applied science. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. 

The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version is free to access and download.

This journal accepts article submissions online: or by e-mail ( 


Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development

© 2019–2024 Suandusit University

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development July - December 2023

View All Issues

ISSN: Formerly Number [2019–2024]

2730-3810 (print)

2730-3829 (Online)


ISSN: Official Number [2024–present]

xxxx-xxxx (Online)


Copyright © 2019–2024 Faculty of Science and Technology. Suandusit University. All rights reserved