การบริหารจัดการปัญหาขยะภายในตลาดนัดจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานคร

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มนทิชา จันทร์เกตุ
โสมสกาว เพชรานนท์
สุจิณณา กรรณสูต



Waste Management of Chatuchak Market, Bangkok

Nowadays, there are large amounts of waste in Chatuchak market, Bangkok. Without an appropriate waste management, a drastically increasing trend is expected. This study aims (1) to investigate the waste management in Chatuchak market (2) to estimate the willingness of entrepreneurs to pay for waste management on the market and (3) to analyse factors influencing willingness to pay for the waste management improvement. The sampling of traders in Chatuchak market was conducted during February - April 2014. There were 454 samples, the first group of 400 traders was examined the willingness to pay whilst the second group of 54 traders was investigated the waste management in Chatuchak market.

This study found that (1) the Teepopp Group Co., Ltd is responsible for daily cleaning, gathering and disposing the wastes in Chatuchak market (2) 97.38% of traders agreed to establish the waste management fund, the average of willingness to pay was accounted for 80.50 Baht/booth/month or in a range of 48.87-112.14 Baht/booth/month while the median of willingness to pay was accounted for 68.03 Baht/booth/month or in a range of 48.89-87.18 Baht/booth/month and (3) factors positively affect the willingness to pay for the waste management improvement include a proposed amount of initial fund, an operational duration of business, monthly income, and the trader’s knowledge and understanding associated the waste management.

It was suggested that the State Railway of Thailand should wider disseminate the knowledge of the waste management among traders in Chatuchak market since it is influent the traders’ behaviours and their cooperations in waste management. In addition, the traders in Chatuchak market should consider for a possibility of an additional fund from the government budget as well as a possibility of an establishment of the waste management fund in Chatuchak market.


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จันทร์เกตุ ม., เพชรานนท์ โ., & กรรณสูต ส. (2016). การบริหารจัดการปัญหาขยะภายในตลาดนัดจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานคร. วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์, 10(2), 197–205. สืบค้น จาก https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/uruj/article/view/64805