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ธิดารัตน์ เหมือนเดชา



Marketing Factors for Influencing Customers Decisions to Use Service of Hotel Businesses in Uttaradit Province

These research objectives were to study marketing factors that had an influencing on a customer decision to use services of hotel businesses in Uttaradit Province and to analyze the marketing factor developed by the hotel businesses in Uttaradit province. This study used combined research methods of quantitative and qualitative research by employing a research tool that it had two instruments. The tools used were questionnaires and interview formation. The target groups had involved were customers who had been using service of hotel businesses in Uttaradit Province, consisting of 385 people. The other target group was 9 hotel entrepreneurs in Uttaradit Province.

The research finding showed that the marketing factors did in fact influences on the customers’ decision to use service of hotel business in Uttaradit Province, greatly increasing customer usage of these services. When considering each factor, the result showed that customers gave the significant importance to the product, price, personnal, process and physical evidence, and all of these factors were at the high level. Also, customer indicated that promotion and distribution of the services was a very important factor as well.

Analyzing the marketing factor developments of hotel businesses in Uttaradit province was 9 entrepreneur firms, and the finding showed that most of hotel businesses in Uttaradit Province were small size hotels; operate by a family member; and used word of mouth by previous customers marketing communication, and it had a measurable influence on new customers. At the result, superior service was distributed by positive mouth-to-mouth communication, and it was the most significant. Moreover, hotel businesses should develop more modern marketing communication to get the most of positive responses by customers because today all consumers are online media consumers. The hotel businesses’ marketing strategy in Uttaradit Province indicated that the products should be extensive in services’ delivered to customer and marketed in order to respond to customers’ wants such as the motivation, service, usability and consumption, for either tangible or intangible goods.


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เหมือนเดชา ธ. (2016). ปัจจัยทางการตลาดที่มีอิทธิพลต่อการเลือกใช้บริการธุรกิจโรงแรมในจังหวัดอุตรดิตถ์. วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์, 10(2), 123–136. สืบค้น จาก https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/uruj/article/view/64800