การจัดทำบัญชีครัวเรือนของเกษตรกรตำบลแม่พูล และตำบลชัยจุมพล อำเภอลับแล จังหวัดอุตรดิตถ์

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ตุลาพร จันทร์กวี
วริศรา ดวงตาน้อย



The conducted on household accounting of agriculturist in Mae Phun and Chai Chumphon Sub district, Uttaradit province

The research was conducted on household accounting of agriculturist in Mae Phun and Chai Chumphon Sub district, Lablae, Uttaradit province. The objectives were to investigate the household accounting conditions, study the attitudes of agriculturist, and identify the problems and barriers of agriculturist in Mae Phun and Chai Chumphon Sub district,Lablae, Uttaradit province. This research was survey research. A data was collected from agriculturist in Mae Phun and Chai Chumphon Sub district, Lablae, Uttaradit province for 95 households. A data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results were found that household accounting conditions of agriculturist in Mae Phun and Chai Chumphon Sub district, Lablae, Uttaradit province were mostly having experienced on accounting for 74 households, which accounted for 77.9 percent. Using night-time for making household account was 53 households, which accounted for 55.8 percent. Using home for making household account was 93 households, which accounted for 97.9 percent. There was discontinuance making household account only for 52 households, which accounted for 54.7 percent. Moreover, there was continuously making household account only for 43 households, which accounted for 45.4 percent. However, currently, most respondents were not making household account for 71 households, which accounted for 74.7 percent, and the household accounting was done by themselves for 74 households, which accounted for 77.9 percent.

The attitudes of agriculturist in Mae Phun and Chai Chumphon Sub district, Lablae, Uttaradit province towards household accounting was at high level. In additions, the highest level attitude was on that making a household account can plan on increasing family income and was also the driving force behind the demand for substantial livingas sufficiency economy.

The problems and barriers on household accounting of agriculturist in Mae Phun and Chai Chumphon Sub district, Lablae, Uttaradit province were at low level. However, the highest level of problem and barrier was that it takes a long time to make household account.


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จันทร์กวี ต., & ดวงตาน้อย ว. (2016). การจัดทำบัญชีครัวเรือนของเกษตรกรตำบลแม่พูล และตำบลชัยจุมพล อำเภอลับแล จังหวัดอุตรดิตถ์. วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์, 10(2), 113–122. สืบค้น จาก https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/uruj/article/view/64799