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ชาคริต ภาคสุนทร
พิชิต เมืองนาโพธิ์
อุษากร พันธุ์วานิช
พรรณราย เทียมทัน



A Development of Management Model of Rugby Football Clubs in Thailand

This research was aimed to a development of management model of rugby football clubs in Thailand had three purposes as follows: 1) to study problem in organization management of rugby football clubs in Thailand, 2) to create the management model of rugby football clubs in Thailand, and 3) to evaluate the appropriateness and the possibility of management model of rugby football clubs in Thailand.

The 284 samples consisted of 48 chairmans/presidents of rugby football clubs and 236 committee of rugby football clubs. They were selected by Stratified from Taro Yamane. The research instruments included a set of questionnaire, an interview form and evaluate form the appropriateness and the possibility of management model of rugby football clubs in Thailand. The data collection was conducted by questionnaire with the reliability of 0.87. Data analyzed by using percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results of research were as follows.

1) The problem in organization management of rugby football clubs in Thailand was in the high level in all aspects ( \bar{X} = 3.64, S.D.= 1.00). The problem in organizing was the highest ( \bar{X} = 3.69, S.D.= 0.99). The second was planning ( \bar{X} = 3.67, S.D.= 0.99), controlling ( \bar{X} = 3.60, S.D.= 0.99) and leading ( \bar{X} = 3.59, S.D.= 1.06), respectively.

2) The management model of rugby football clubs in Thailand consisted of 4 factors were planning, organizing, leading and controlling. And 4 steps were plan, do, check and action in organization management of rugby football clubs in Thailand

3) The evaluating the appropriateness and the possibility of management model of rugby football clubs in Thailand were in the highest level in all aspects. The appropriateness in organizing was the highest ( X = 4.58, S.D.= 0.58). The second was planning ( \bar{X} = 4.57, S.D.= 0.50), controlling ( \bar{X} = 4.56, S.D.= 0.50) and leading was the high ( \bar{X} = 4.47, S.D.= 0.54), respectively. The possibility in leading was the highest ( \bar{X} = 4.56, S.D.= 0.57). The second was controlling ( \bar{X} = 4.54, S.D.= 0.53), planning ( \bar{X} = 4.51, S.D.= 0.50) and organizing ( \bar{X} = 4.37, S.D.= 0.57), respectively.


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ภาคสุนทร ช., เมืองนาโพธิ์ พ., พันธุ์วานิช อ., & เทียมทัน พ. (2016). การพัฒนารูปแบบการบริหารจัดการสโมสรรักบี้ฟุตบอลในประเทศไทย. วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์, 10(2), 65–78. สืบค้น จาก https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/uruj/article/view/64793