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กมลวรรณ มั่งคั่ง
สุกัญญา สุจาคำ
สุธี อยู่ยิ้ม



Consumer’s Behavior of Organic Rice in Uttaradit Province

This objective research focused on consumer's behavior of organic rice in Uttradit Province. A survey method was used by collecting data from questionnaires. Data was analyzed using statistical analysis techniques such as percentage, mean and standard deviation. There were 392 questionnaires that were random sampled.

The research result found that consumers were females more than males. The average consumer age was between 41 – 50 years old. The study found that the most consumers were married, with a bachelor’s degree education level, governance officer, with a salary of 10,000 – 20,000 per month and no health issues. Reasons for people’s consumption include: types of organic rice; objectives of the consumption; purchasing 1 – 2 time per week; purchasing with 1 kilogram; purchasing with organic rice farm groups; received information from friends; and they cause influencers to buy it. The summary of consumer’s behavior that effect on satisfaction of organic rice have the total average equal 4.12. This showed that the factors of; food safety, benefits of health, taste, scent, color, packaging, standardized brand, cleanness, fair price, convenience to buy, sales services, atmosphere and cleanness, good display, radio, television and newspaper, product display, increase of product and discount card, these were important of consumer’s behavior.


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มั่งคั่ง ก., สุจาคำ ส., & อยู่ยิ้ม ส. (2016). พฤติกรรมการบริโภคข้าวอินทรีย์ของประชาชนในจังหวัดอุตรดิตถ์. วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์, 10(2), 11–24. สืบค้น จาก https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/uruj/article/view/64789