Ground Improvement, Hydraulic cement, Unconfined compressive strength, Secant Modulus, Scanning Electron Microscope analysisAbstract
This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of hydraulic cement (HC) in improving the strength and stiffness properties of sandy soil, specifically focusing on unconfined compressive strength (qu) and the secant modulus (E50), derived from the stress-strain relationship of unconfined compression tests. The soil samples used were sandy soil obtained from the construction site of a water pumping station at Ratchamnong Temple in Nong-Khai Province. These samples were mixed with HC at varying proportions of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% by dry weight. The curing periods employed were 3, 7, 14, and 28 days, with a water/cement ratio of 1:1. To evaluate HC as an environmentally friendly admixture for ground improvement, the test results using HC were compared with those using ordinary Portland cement (OPC) under identical cement content and curing periods. The results indicated that increasing the cement content and curing period enhanced both qu and E50 for both HC and OPC, showing similar trends for both types of cement. However, the results for HC were slightly lower than those for OPC, likely due to differences in oxide composition. Scanning Electron Microscope analysis reveals that the development of Ettringite formation, resulting from the cement hydration reaction, shows significant similarity between HC and OPC as the curing period increases. Despite this, the linearly correlation between qu and E50 for HC admixture was nearly identical to that for OPC admixture. From the overall results, the relationship between qu and E50 can be expressed as E50 = 78.165qu. Therefore, HC admixture can be effectively used in sustainable ground improvement, particularly in deep mixing methods, as an environmentally friendly alternative to OPC admixture.
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