การศึกษาและออกแบบเตาเผาขยะห้องเผาไหม้ 2 ห้องขนาดเล็กโดยใช้แผ่นเหล็กกล้าเป็นผนังกั้นห้อง


  • ภักดี สิทธิฤทธิ์กวิน อาจารย์, สาขาวิชาวิศวกรรมเครื่องกล คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยเชียงราย 199 ม. 6 ต.ป่าอ้อดอนชัย อ. เมือง จ.เชียงราย 57000


incinerator, combustion chamber, steel


The purpose of the study is to design and build waste incinerators with a double combustion chamber by using a steel plate as a wall between the two combustion chambers, then evaluate their performance in terms of combustion efficiency, waste feed rate, and exhaust pollution value, by a method of studying and collecting waste data and then using it to design and build the incinerators. Then do a test of burning waste with a ratio of wet waste to dry waste by weight between 0:100 to 60:40 and a waste feed rate of 50 kg/h. The results of the study found that they can be used to burn waste with a ratio not exceeding 50:50 and can feed waste at a maximum rate of 42 kg/h. Considering that the incinerator’s efficiency is as high as 98.5%, In addition, It was also found that using steel as a material for partition walls can help reduce air pollution levels to within control standards by the amount of carbon monoxide (CO) gas having a minimum value of 44 ppm, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) having the value of 135 ppm, and the opacity value of 17%. However, adding wet waste to 60% of the total waste will cause the air pollution levels to exceed the standard.


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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)