Raspberry Pi, Face Detective and Recognition, IoT, Mobile ApplicationAbstract
The smart Security System presented in this research harnesses the capabilities of Raspberry Pi to provide a comprehensive solution for home security and control. The system integrates three main functions aimed at enhancing user safety and convenience. The system employs a camera module to detect and recognize faces in its field of view. In the event of an unauthorized person attempting to enter the premises, the system captures the intruder’s face and promptly sends the image to the user’s mobile phone. This real-time notification ensures swift awareness and response to potential security threats. The camera is configured to detect and monitor various objects, such as vehicles or individuals, stationary for more than five minutes in front of the home. Upon detection, the system captures images of the objects and transmits them to the user’s mobile phone. The system provides users with the capability to remotely control electronic devices within the home. Through the application or system interface, users can turn on or off specified devices. The primary goals of the system include the development of a reliable application for smart home security and control and the evaluation of its performance in real-world scenarios.
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