ผลกระทบของความชื้นต่อสมบัติทางกลของชิ้นงานในการพิมพ์ 3 มิติ ด้วยวัสดุไนล่อน 6
3D Printing Technology, Nylon 6, Moisture, Mechanical PropertiesAbstract
This research studies the impact of moisture on the mechanical properties of 3D printed specimens from Nylon 6 (PA6). Nylon filaments were left in lab conditions for 5 different time periods prior to printing to absorb varied moisture levels. As the exposure time of the filaments in the lab atmosphere increased from 7 days to 35 days, higher amounts of moisture were absorbed by the nylon filaments [1]. After each exposure time period, the nylon filaments were printed to fabricate test specimens for evaluating tensile strength and impact resistance. The experimental results indicated that the exposure time of the filaments to ambient air affected the ultimate tensile strength and impact resistance of the test specimens. As the exposure time increased from 7 days to 35 days, the ultimate tensile strength and impact resistance progressively decreased. This suggests that as the nylon filaments were left in ambient lab conditions for longer periods, from 7 days to 35 days, they absorbed more moisture. The moisture absorption resulted in a 43.1% decrease in ultimate tensile strength, and a 29.2% decrease in impact resistance.
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