crumb rubber concrete (CRC), flexural strength of beams, reinforced concreteAbstract
The objective of this research were study on the flexural behaviors of reinforced concrete beams made of concrete mixed with crumb rubber by testing 15 samples of beams. The beams sample had 15 centimeters wide, 25 centimeters depth and length of 2.4 meters from mixture of 5 ingredients, using crumb rubber as fine aggregate replacement in ratio of 5, 10, 15 and 20 percent by weight. According to the test, the beams behaved in two linear phases (bilinear) before non-linear until failure, the first crack occurred at 23-27 percent of the maximum load and entered the second phase until reaching the maximum load. After that, the beams were unable to support additional weight until failure. The study also reserved that to Increase amount of crumb rubber did not affect failure behavior of the beams but affect in flexural strength. The equation for calculating the Nominal moment can also be used for this type of beams, but the equation for calculating the cracking moment can only be used for beams that use crumb rubber in place of fine aggregate not exceeding 5%. For the beams with crumb rubber replacements from 10% to 20%, the cracking moment tested were only 80% of the value calculated from the equation. The maximum deflection and energy absorption tend to increase with amount of crumb rubber used to replace fine aggregate.
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