Greenhouse drying, Solar Energy, Salted CobiaAbstract
This research was aimed to investigate the drying kinetic of salted Cobia fish drying in a solar greenhouse. The moisture content in different airflow rates of the greenhouse were examined in two systems: ventilation fan off or natural convection and ventilation fan on or force convection. The performance of both systems was compared to open sun drying performance. The quality of the samples was evaluated regarding color, water activity, and hardness. Mathematical model was also applied in this study. The results revealed that the drying in the solar greenhouse was obviously faster than the open sun drying and drying rate where the ventilation fan on took the shortest time in only 21 hours, considering at the same final moisture content of the products on the market 45% d.b. The color of the samples was also not different, but the hardness was statistically significant with p>0.05. The water activity of the samples was less than 0.6 and was agreeable to the Thai agricultural standard. Logarithmic mathematical model was the most accurate for both systems.
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