Behavior and Satisfaction, Safety of Pedestrian, Disability CharacteristicsAbstract
The research titled behavior and satisfaction of the disability characteristics toward safety of pedestrian aimed to investigate problems, obstacles, suggestions and factors affecting the safety of pedestrian among the disabled persons. The sample included the disabled persons in Bangkok. Yamane’s formula with the confidence level at 95 percent and group sampling were applied. Physical data analysis was employed in the study. The research instruments were questionnaire. Basic statistics and One-Way ANOVA were used to analyze data when statistically significant difference at 0.05 was found. It could be summarized that the number of people with disabilities is as high as 83.7 percent that do not need help from others in traveling. Which is mainly traveling in urban areas by showing that people with disabilities want to help themselves in traveling as normal people. A comparison of satisfaction toward the safety of pedestrian among the disabled persons showed that all the disability characteristics had satisfaction toward the safety of pedestrian at a moderate level except for the mental disability characteristics that had satisfaction toward the safety of pedestrian at low level. Moreover, the disabled persons with different disability characteristics did not have different satisfaction toward the safety of pedestrian. The visually impaired persons ( = 3.110 from 5) had satisfaction toward the safety of pedestrian at a highest level and the mentally disabled persons (
= 2.458 from 5) had satisfaction toward the safety of pedestrian at a lowest level.
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