Development of a Simple Water Quality Modeling for Pollution Load Carrying Capacity of Tha Chin River Basin

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Panuwat Taerakul
Palapatra Aranyakananda
Vatha Yongsmith
Piyachai Chailoratana


The objective of this study is to construct a method to estimate carry capacity which is convenient to process and collect information.  To simplify the process, this study uses centroid of a province as a point of the whole provincial pollution discharge, and uses a reference point, showing the lowest level of dissolved oxygen in quarterly sampling report, for comparable levels of surface water quality standards.   Results indicate that this method is feasible for evaluating provincial pollution load carrying capacity.  It also shows that Nakornpathom has the highest level of pollution discharge, but still has capacity to handle more pollution in its area.  In the other hand, Chainat shares the lowest level of pollution discharge in Tha chin river basin, but it does not have any capacity to handle more discharge due to its location at a higher surface water quality standard than that of Nakornpathom.

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How to Cite
Taerakul, P., Aranyakananda, P., Yongsmith, V., & Chailoratana, P. (2023). Development of a Simple Water Quality Modeling for Pollution Load Carrying Capacity of Tha Chin River Basin. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 9(1), 17–29. retrieved from
Research Article


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