Case study for company AAA ltd: Arranging equipment to minimize machinery transportation time

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บุริม นิลแป้น


Company AAA ltd. is a representative and a distributor for machinery that works with metal sheets. The company mainly deals with sourcing and distributing machinery weighing between 1 – 20 tons and as they have 2 main warehouses in which they use for storing the machinery, they have 2 methods of transporting the machinery. First method is using a crane and the other method is by using a conveyor shaft for the areas that the crane can not access, which takes an average of 19.64 minutes to move 10 tons. According to the researchers, this method is very dangerous towards the employees and time consuming, and that is why they are looking for a solution to reduce risk and time in transporting the machinery. During the design phase, they used calculations for moving machinery at 20 tons (which is the heaviest machinery that they supply), which concluded that they use low carbon steel SS400 for the structure and Superlene wheels (as they are the strongest type of wheels for this use). Once completing the equipment, tests show that moving 10 tons of machinery averaged at 9.93 minutes at first, then dropping down to an average of 9.71 minutes (which is 49.44% of the original time) and they were also able to bring the down the average of 4 other types of machinery (weighing no more than 12 tons) to 55.95% of the original average time. The design and construction fee is at 17,000baht or can be calculated to be a daily cost of 65.13baht per day.

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How to Cite
นิลแป้น บ. (2021). Case study for company AAA ltd: Arranging equipment to minimize machinery transportation time. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 7(2), 56–68. retrieved from
Research Article


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