The Design and Development of Dissolved Oxygen Alarming Instrument

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ธฤต ม่วงพลับ
อิทธิพงศ์ ชัยสายัณห์
สิริวิช ทัดสวน


       Fishery farm is an activity that makes income to people. A major parameter affecting to a survival rate of aquatic animal is dissolved oxygen (DO). At this condition, most aquatic animal cannot survive and the biodegradable rate will decrease in a low DO level condition. Therefore, it is important to make the DO concentration suffice to the aquatic life. This research designs and develops a real time DO alarming instrument by using a microcontroller to start an aerator when the level of DO concentration is lower than 5 mg/L and to stop the aerator when the DO level is more than 6 mg/L. The results show that the instrument can properly control the DO concentration in a designed range.

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How to Cite
ม่วงพลับ ธ., ชัยสายัณห์ อ., & ทัดสวน ส. (2017). The Design and Development of Dissolved Oxygen Alarming Instrument. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 3(2), 41–52. Retrieved from
Research Article


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