Comparison of Various Parameters Effects on Hydrogen Generation of the Gasoline Engine Working with Gasoline-Hydrogen Dual Fuel System

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ไพรทูล ไชยวงศา
ทแกล้ว เยี่ยมสวัสดิ์
วีระพันธ์ ด้วงทองสุข


This project is an experimental research that related to parameters which affected to Oxygen forming to be used as co-fuel for Gasoline engine. The reactor is designed by using water 1000 cc to be used as electrolyte, using 304-stainless plate with the size of 4x8mm and 2mm thickness as electrode and using 12V, 65 Ah as power supply. Procedure is consisted of adjusting parameters that consists of plate cell, gap among plate cell and concentration of solutions. The experimental result is then compared that is consisted of gas flowing ratio, current that flows through plate cell, temperature of reactor and voltage of battery and also the result of using hydrogen to be used as co-fuel for gasoline engine. The experiment found that reactor that is filled solution into 11-cell electrolyte and distance among cell is 2 mm. can provide the maximum flow of oxygen. Oxygen is then used as co-fuel for gasoline engine indicated that 1600 cc cylinder gasoline engine using gasoline with hydrogen is able to save the maximum fuel of 25%, at speed of 1500 rpm when it is compared with the normal fuel system of gasoline engine.

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How to Cite
ไชยวงศา ไ., เยี่ยมสวัสดิ์ ท., & ด้วงทองสุข ว. (2017). Comparison of Various Parameters Effects on Hydrogen Generation of the Gasoline Engine Working with Gasoline-Hydrogen Dual Fuel System. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 3(2), 30–40. retrieved from
Research Article


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