Energy band gab and optical property of Fe-doped NiO nanostructures prepared by co-precipitation method


  • Yuttagan Hemgun


NiO, Fe-doped, Optical properties, Energy band gab, Precipitation method


Fe-doped NiO nanostructures were synthesized by co-precipitation method. The co-precipitation method used a solution of 0.5 M, NiCl2.6H2O as a precursor and doped FeSO4.7H2O having compositions of 0 to 10% at a
temperature of 60 OC with magnetic stirrer time of 0.5 h together with dropping a NaOH of 0.5 M. The precipitate product was dried at the temperature of 120 OC for 9 h and sintered at the temperature of 400 OC for 4 h in air.
Finally, the powder product was analyzed the optical property and energy band gap by ultraviolet visible spectroscopy. It was found that wavelength, absorption and energy band gap were decreased with increasing the
doping Fe. The wavelength and absorption were shown in the range of 325-298 nm and 3.74-1.55 a.u., respectively. The energy band gap of 100% for NiO was shown at 3.43 eV. However, the energy band gap was shown to be at a
maximum at 3.50 eV of 2% doping and 3.26 eV for the doping of 8 % as the minimum.




How to Cite

Hemgun, Y. (2016). Energy band gab and optical property of Fe-doped NiO nanostructures prepared by co-precipitation method. Creative Science, 8(1), 149–154. retrieved from