Design and Fabrication of Tobacco Leaf-stripping Machine to Enhance Economic Production of Farmers in Phetchabun Province


  • saksirichai Srisawad Faculty of Agricultural and Industrial Technology, Phetchabun Rajabhat University
  • Thongchai Khrueaphue Program in Production Technology, Faculty of Agricultural and Industrial Technology, Phetchabun Rajabhat University, Amphoe Mueang Phetchabun, Phetchabun, 67000 Thailand
  • Suwimon Thaikthum Program in Production and Management Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Industrial Technology, Phetchabun Rajabhat University, Amphoe Mueang Phetchabun, Phetchabun, 67000 Thailand.


Tobacco Leaf-stripping Machine, Economic Production Enhancement, Tobacco Famers of Phetchabun Province


The objective of this work is to design and fabricate tobacco leaf-stripping machine to enhance economic production of farmers in Phetchabun province. The evaluation score and acceptance level of the machine design was 4.46 ± 0.88 and agree, respectively. The evaluation score of the machine after use was 4.53 ± 0.86 which the acceptance was in the level of totally agree. In this research, tobacco leaves with 400 – 420 mm, 421 – 440 mm and 441 – 460 mm lengths were tested with the machine at speed of 50 rpm, 100 rpm and 150 rpm. The results showed that the machine set at 100 rpm gave the best leaf appearance. While the leaves were widely damaged at 50 and 150 rpm. The comparison of tobacco leaf-stripping between traditional method (manual striping) and the machine was also investigated. The machine gave higher production rate and better leave appearance compared to traditional method. At 100 rpm, 56 leaves out of 60 leaves was in a good appearance. However, calculation of economic production was based on 500 kg of tobacco leaf. Operation time of traditional method was 6.2 h per day while this tobacco leaf-stripping machine was 3.9 h per day. The reduction of manpower and working time was observed. The manpower and working time were reduced from 5 – 8 people per day to 3 – 5 people per day and 4 – 6 h per day to 2 – 4 h per day, respectively.

Author Biography

saksirichai Srisawad, Faculty of Agricultural and Industrial Technology, Phetchabun Rajabhat University

Production Technology Program Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Industrial Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University.


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How to Cite

Srisawad, saksirichai, Khrueaphue, T., & Thaikthum, S. . (2020). Design and Fabrication of Tobacco Leaf-stripping Machine to Enhance Economic Production of Farmers in Phetchabun Province. Creative Science, 12(3), 198–206. retrieved from