Effect of drying methods on the water soluble phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activities in baby jackfruit leaves (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng.) powder
baby jackfruit leaves, drying methods, antioxidant activitiesAbstract
The study of effect of drying methods on the water soluble phenolics contents and antioxidant activities in baby jackfruit leaves (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng.; MC) powder were investigated. Three different drying methods were sun drying, hot air drying at 60 °C for 6 h and 8 h. The powder samples were extracted by water as extracting solvent with control 80 °C for 45 min. The extract samples had phytochemicals such as saponin, tannin and terpenoid, phenolics and flavonoids which were analyzed the total phenolics and flavonoids contents. The results found that total phenolics contents were 12.03, 7.78, and 7.08 mg GAE g–1 powder and total flavonoids contents were 6.41, 3.49, and 3.35 mg CE g–1 powder, respectively. Then, DPPH free radical scavenging activities, ABTS free radical scavenging activities, total antioxidant capacities and reducing powers were investigated. The results showed that DPPH free radical scavenging activities were 6.40, 3.23, and 2.56 mg AAE g–1 powder, respectively. ABTS free radical scavenging activities were 17.76, 13.46, and 12.42 mg AAE g–1 powder, respectively. Total antioxidant capacities were 28.58, 26.87, and 26.23 mg AAE g–1 powder and reducing powers were 5.02, 2.72, and 2.43 mg AAE g–1 powder, respectively. The results indicated that the sun dried MC powder showed the values of phytochemicals, phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activities higher than the hot air dried MC powder at 60 °C 6 h and 8 h. The drying temperature and time were effect on the water soluble effective compounds and antioxidant activities in baby jackfruit leaves (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng.) powder.
- The study of effect of drying methods on the water soluble phenolics contents and antioxidant activities in baby jackfruit leaves (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng.; MC) powder were investigated.
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