A Model Web-enable for OLTP with Replication Realtime Distributed Database


  • klaokanlaya silachan Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University
  • Pitiphol Pholpabu Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University
  • Mongkol Rodjun Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University


Web-enable, OLTP, Real-time distributed database


This research investigates the problem of distributed and update distributed database to be updated across all the site. Generally, a transaction database system distributes replication data with DBMS settings. The DBMS distributes the data to sites according to the distribution time settings. As a result, the data needs to be updated across all the sites. The larger the data set is, the bigger time consumption will take. Furthermore, the system becomes inconsistent and the data state maintenance becomes complicated. In this paper, a new model is presented to provide real-time distributed and update distributed replication to be updated across somesite and all sites by web code generation. The transaction database system can distribute data without DBMS. The study is conducted based on web- enable development for online shopping of the online transaction processing (OLTP), at the same time, distributed to other sites instantly. It results in keeping the information current and consistent when it is updated. The performance evaluation is based on the distributed and update efficiency which compared distribution response time of transaction connection access type on Linked server, remote access and direct access. The result shows that the module with linked server performs better than the other two.


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How to Cite

silachan, klaokanlaya, Pholpabu, P., & Rodjun, M. (2020). A Model Web-enable for OLTP with Replication Realtime Distributed Database. Creative Science, 12(3), 222–230. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/snru_journal/article/view/234583