Design of Warning System for Student Support Services


  • Bundit Busaba School of Science and Technology, Shinawatra University


Student Support Services, Warning System, Retention


The objective of this research were to study the process of providing student support services and to design the service warning system as well as to evaluate the efficiency of the system so that the educational institution could use it as a guideline for integrating to provide student support services as a centralized manner in caring for students who might have problems or problems occur during their studies. From the research results, it was found that the process of providing student support services would have a life cycle of services consisting of 1) student information collection 2) problems analysis and classification 3) notification and appointment 4) incubation and troubleshooting and 5) monitoring and evaluation. The performance evaluation results of the service warning system according to that life cycle from 15 experts were in a good level. Therefore, it can be concluded that the system for providing student support services that are designed is effective in providing student services that will result in higher student retention rates and increases students’ graduation.


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How to Cite

Busaba, B. (2019). Design of Warning System for Student Support Services. Creative Science, 11(3), 87–95. retrieved from