Isolating hydrogen from water for diesel engine

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Sittichot Kradang-nga
Pongsakorn Kachapongkun


This paper focuses on designing a hydrogen separator for water and developing a hydrogen production and distribution system for a 4-stroke Compression Ignition Engine (CIE) with a displacement of 2,500 cc and a constant engine speed of 1,100, 1,300, 1,500, and 1,700 RPM. STL 316L stainless steel sheets are used for both the hydrogen water separator and control tools. Each of the 3 channels consists of 3 sets, totaling 42 sheets with 14 poles, including 7 negative and 7 positive poles. The efficiency of hydrogen gas separation from water is measured, revealing that 1,100 RPM results in the highest fuel consumption rate. The average consumption rate of mixed hydrogen gas is 226 CC/min, compared to 325 CC/min for diesel fuel, resulting in a fuel savings of 99 CC/min. In comparison to the electricity used, the highest electric current is 14 A, with an average power of 163 W for electricity at a DC voltage of 12 V. The tests demonstrate that the engine utilizes the least amount of power (146.41 W) and consumes the least amount of fuel (99 CC/min) at 1,100 RPM. Based on these findings, it is determined that utilizing a hydrogen gas separation system from water mixed with diesel fuel could result in a 40% fuel savings.

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How to Cite
Kradang-nga, S., & Kachapongkun, P. (2024). Isolating hydrogen from water for diesel engine. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 10(1), 1–15. retrieved from
Research Article


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