Pre-Impact Fall Detection System Using Logistic Regression Model Pre-Impact Fall Detection System Using Logistic Regression Model

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Nuth Otanasap
Pornpimol Bangkomkun
Tanainan Tanantpapat


The problem of falling among the elderly has significantly increased continuously. Researchers are trying to find a suitable way to monitor and alert before a fall to protect the body using an airbag, for example, to prevent the consequences of falls. In this paper, pre-fall surveillance and detection using three Kinnects installed at different angles enable detection without body tracking devices, which causes trouble.  In addition, Kinnect detection uses only the head position, the center of gravity, and the position of the feet to calculate the base support area, so there are no privacy violations. The model used to predict the fall event was a logistic regression analysis that used predictive variables of head displacement versus dynamic threshold and body center of gravity versus base support area. From the pre-impact fall predictor experimental results, the accuracy was 98.17%, the sensitivity was 87.97%, and the specificity was 98.98%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the developed system can detect pre-impact fall events using the logistic regression model and can function at the specified time according to the objective.

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How to Cite
Otanasap, N., Bangkomkun, P., & Tanantpapat, T. (2023). Pre-Impact Fall Detection System Using Logistic Regression Model: Pre-Impact Fall Detection System Using Logistic Regression Model. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 9(1), 30–43. retrieved from
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