Mountain Soil Stabilization for Road Construction

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kittikorn srilanont


This research was aimed to improve mountain soil with ceramic and type 1 Portland cement. The experiment was carried out with 10 formulas of the mixtures. The results were found that the formula 1, soil: ceramic ratio (S: C), with percentages of ceramic of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% yields the maximum dry density close to that of the original mountain soil. The average dry density ranges from 0.930-0.948 g/cm3. The optimum water contents are close to that of the original mountain soil averaging from 8.80-10.10%. The CBR values decrease with the amount of ceramic added to the mixtures. The formula 2, soil: ceramic: cement (S: C: C),  with percentages of ceramic of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% yields the maximum dry density close to that of the original mountain soil. The average dry density ranges from 0.906-0.999 g/cm3. The optimum water contents are close to that of the original mountain soil averaging from 9.20-9.45%. The CBR value decreases with the amount of ceramic and the Portland cement  added to the mixtures. This can be an important guideline to try in the actual road construction.

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How to Cite
srilanont, kittikorn. (2023). Mountain Soil Stabilization for Road Construction. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 9(1), 44–56. retrieved from
Research Article


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