Controlling the air craft pitch by tuning PID controller using CS vs FPA

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Chaiyo Thammarat
Suriyan Lahalertdecha
Weerapun Duangthongsuk


The objective of this research is to presents the tuning of controllers using the optimization for controlling the pitch angle of the aircraft. Since the aircraft system is nonlinear system that it is hard to control and pitch control system is predominantly used nowadays in several aircraft. By employing classical controller such as Proportional Integral Derivative Controller (PID), pitch control system get the better dynamic performance and stability.  Introducing the well-known Lévy-based meta-heuristics for the optimizers, those are cuckoo search (CS) and flower pollination algorithm (FPA) for tuning of PID controllers. The comparison results shown that FPA is better than CS in terms of search speed while CS outperforms FPA in finding optimal solutions (minimum object function). By 9-comparison factors, FPA is better performance than CS.

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How to Cite
Thammarat, C., Lahalertdecha, S., & Duangthongsuk, W. (2023). Controlling the air craft pitch by tuning PID controller using CS vs FPA. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 9(1), 57–71. retrieved from
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