Waste Water Treatment Model of Solar Aerator with Paddle Wheel

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Phonnipha Boriboonsuksri
Natth Jun-krob


The research of this study to presents the experiment of the efficiency of a solar- aerator with paddle wheel. The operation principle of a 270-watt solar-powered oxygen filler, which receives solar energy and converts into electrical energy of 18 volts. Then, transfers to the brushless motor controller unit which is responsible for controlling the electricity supplied for the motor, between the solar panel and brushless motor controller unit, and there is an energy meter to measure the electric power, electric charge and electric voltage to analyze system operations. The system is brought to the machine to fill the air in waste water which are stored in a simulated pond of 9.6 cubic meters and collecting treated waste water to measure the level of BOD with continuously for 49 days. The results of analysis found that the BOD value was decreased in exponential characteristics with a decay rate equal to 0.078 in accordance with the equation model: BOD = BOD(0)e-0.078t . The result of the performance analysis from the BOD treatment of a set of solar oxygenators, the electrical energy from the sun is 3.38 kilowatt within 10 hours per day. The initial BOD value at 65 milligrams per liter. It took 15 days for treatment and the BOD value decreases at level 20 milligrams per liter which can support the load of waste water to 41,297 milligrams per day.

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How to Cite
Boriboonsuksri, P., & Jun-krob, N. (2020). Waste Water Treatment Model of Solar Aerator with Paddle Wheel. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 6(2), 35–43. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/saujournalst/article/view/243408
Research Article


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