The effect of number of tube rows on optimal design of crimped spiral fin-and-tube heat exchangers

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Parinya Kiatpachai
Anotai Suksangpanomrung
Phubate Thiangtham
Chanyoot Keepaiboon
Weerapun Duangthongsuk
Somchai Wongwises


                  The spiral fin-and-tube heat exchanger is a favourite type of heat exchanger that is the most frequently used for waste heat recovery system. The purpose of this study is to summarize the effect of number of tube rows on air-side performance of the spiral fin-and-tube heat exchanger. The heat exchangers are designed to work under sensible heating conditions at high Reynolds number. All tested heat exchangers are a typical of multipass parallel-and-counter cross flow arrangement. Ambient air and hot water are used as working fluids. The results show that the number of tube rows have no significant effect on the air-side heat transfer performance (j-Colburn factor) and friction characteristics (f-friction factor) of crimped spiral fin and tube heat exchangers. Especially, the optimal number of tube row (Nrow) for crimped spiral fin of 3 and 4 rows, based on the three performance evaluation criteria for the heat exchanger. The major finding related to those effects are also described in this study. The study discovered certain aspects of the other effects for enhancing our understanding on effective heat exchanger design.

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How to Cite
Kiatpachai, P., Suksangpanomrung, A., Thiangtham, P., Keepaiboon, C., Duangthongsuk, W., & Wongwises, S. (2019). The effect of number of tube rows on optimal design of crimped spiral fin-and-tube heat exchangers. SAU JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 5(2), 24–37. retrieved from
Research Article


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