The Development of Chatbot Application for Student Services: A Case Study of Buriram Rajabhat University
Application, Chatbot, Student ServicesAbstract
This research aims to develop a chatbot application for student service and study user satisfaction with the application. This is to facilitate quick responses to questions, provide information, and assist students with learning-related issues at the university without time and location constraints on service delivery. Additionally, it can reduce the workload of staff in answering questions. The sample group consists of 385 students from Buriram Rajabhat University. Research tools include an online questionnaire to collect questions that students need answers to at the university and a satisfaction survey on application usage. The statistical analysis used in the research includes percentages, averages, and standard deviations. The development process of the application follows the system development life cycle, which involves gathering questions that students need answers to and designing a database to store them in MySQL. The development tools used include LINE Bot Designer, Dialogflow, PHP, and Laravel Framework.
The study found that the chatbot application for student services, operating within the LINE application, can address queries across 8 domains of student services: course registration, course enrollment and withdrawal, tuition payment, grade appeals, academic calendars, activity calendars, student welfare funds, and university building locations. There is also a web application to manage chatbot responses, allowing staff to conveniently add, delete, and modify responses within the database. The study results of user satisfaction with the application's usage found that there was a high level (= 4.42, S.D = 0.65).
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