Organic nursery pots, Water hyacinth, Raw rice husks, Primary macronutrientsAbstract
This research aimed to study the appropriate ratio for forming organic nursery pots from water hyacinth and raw rice husks, the macronutrients in raw materials, and the macronutrient content in organic nursery pots. The strength and water-holding capacity of the obtained organic nursery pots were investigated. Subsequently, these were used to grow the tomatoes. The results indicate the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in the range of 3.425-5.013%, 0.015-0.028% and 0.808-2.213%, respectively. The strength and water absorption tests are varied from 15.467x103-49.467x103 N/m2, and from 25.496-43.531%, respectively. However, the tomato growing in the organic nursery pots with the third formula i.e., the ratio of water hyacinth to raw rice husk to paste glue is 80 : 20 : 300, exhibits the highest average number of leaves and height. Therefore, in this research, an alternative is to use materials that are environmental problems and agricultural by-products to make organic nursery pots. In addition, the organic nursery pots developed are pots that increase the amount of nutrients for the seedlings, providing an environmentally friendly solution.
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