
  • Benchawon Chiwapreecha Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Burapha University
  • Pitak Sootanan Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Burapha University
  • Pimpan Supapornolan Protected Area Regional Office 1 (Prachinburi)
  • Thaksin Vorasri Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Burapha University


Urban forest, Ban Talawai, Local plants


Community forest is importance to human health and well-being. So, making the need to understand these ecosystems is necessary. This study aims to conduct the forest structure and plant diversity in Ban Talawai community forest, Khao Saming district,Trat province during October 2022 to December 2023. Permanent 3 plots, 20x50 m with sub-plot into 10 x 10 m (30 sub-plots) were set up. All trees with diameter of at least 14 cm were tagged, measured and identified. The result at Ban Talawai community forest found 31 families 48 genera 51 species and 8 unidentified species. The recognized as rare species were Dracontomelon dao (Blanco) Merr. & Rolfe and Garcinia hanburyi Hook. f. while the tree density was 158 individual per Rai. The most value diversity index at middle altitude was 2.905. Plant community varied according to landscape altitude that dominant species were Nephelium hypoleucum Kurz., Artocarpus nitidus Trecul var. lingnanensis Jarrett and Crypteronia paniculata Blume respectively. Therefore, the results could be used to select dominant tree species in order to restore degraded forests or induce high establishment of evergreen species into community forest.


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How to Cite

Chiwapreecha, B., Sootanan, P. . ., Supapornolan, P. . ., & Vorasri , T. . . (2024). PLANT COMMUNITY IN BAN TALA WAI FOREST COMMUNITY, KHOA SAMING DISTRICT, TRAT PROVINCE. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 9(3), 25–38. retrieved from



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