Hydrogel, Ya-Ha-Rak, Eye strainAbstract
Ya-Ha-Rak is a traditional remedy in the national list of herbal medicinal products of Thailand, which has properties to cure fever. Ya-Ha-Rak extract contains various phytochemicals such as alkaloids, flavonoids and terpenoids, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Therefore, it is possible to use it as an important substance in the topical hydrogel patches to relieve eye strain. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the physical stability of Ya-Ha-Rak water extract and to develop the topical hydrogel patch formulations containing Ya-Ha-Rak remedy extract. The result of the stability study under accelerated conditions at 4°C, alternating with 45°C, for 6 Cycles. It was found that these extracts did not affect the physical appearance after the test was completed. The development of 15 formulations of hydrogel patches from Ya-Ha-Rak remedy extract revealed that the best formulation contained Ya-Ha-Rak extract 69% w/w, glycerine 20% w/w, gelatin 8% w/w, carboxymethyl cellulose 1% w/w, polyvinyl alcohol 0.60% w/w, polyvinylpyrrolidone 0.40% w/w and photostat 1% w/w respectively. Then, the hydrogel patches from Ya-Ha-Rak remedy extract can be further developed to conduct clinical trials on their effectiveness for relieving eye strain.
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