
  • Phirawat Sonthung Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Siriwan Inyou Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Nontaporn Rattanachak Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Montra Srisayam Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


Kefir, Lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27, Antibacterial activity


The objective of this research is to study the effect of lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27 on enhanced the antibacterial activity of kefir. The experiment was performed by comparing the antibacterial activity of kefir samples, kefir added with lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27 and kefir without lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27 to inhibit Salmonella Typhimurium, methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Bacillus cereus, and Escherichia coli. Antibacterial activity was investigated using Agar well diffusion method. The results showed that the tested samples, kefir without lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27, milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27 (6x108 CFU/ml) and kefir added with lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27 (3x108 CFU/ml and 6x108 CFU/ml) inhibited all four types of bacteria. Kefir added with lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27 at a concentration of 6x108 CFU/ml against the tested bacteria was no significant difference (P<0.05) when compared to kefir without lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27. Therefore, the lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27 did not enhance the inhibition of bacteria at the tested concentration of 6x108 CFU/ml. However, lactic acid bacteria isolate NR27 at concentration of 6x108 CFU/ml is recommended to remain in the product. Because, it has antibacterial activity and probiotic properties that promote health benefits.


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How to Cite

Sonthung, P. . ., Inyou, S., Rattanachak, N. . ., & Srisayam, M. (2024). ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF KEFIR FERMENTED WITH KEFIR GRAIN ENHANCED PROBIOTIC . PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 9(3), 14–24. retrieved from



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