PM2.5, Hotspot, Open field burning, Rice strawAbstract
The purpose of this research was to investigate fire hotspots by using MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite sensors carried on the Terra and Aqua satellite and use them to assess open field burning influencing fine particulate matters with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometers (PM 2.5) in Nakhon Sawan Province area. During the production year 2020 /2021, PM2.5 samples were collected daily for 24 hours at the Air Quality Monitoring Station in Pak Nam Pho sub-district, Mueang Nakhon Sawan district, Nakhon Sawan. The results showed that if all rice straw is burned in the production year 2020/2021, the amounts of PM 2.5 from in-season rice and off-season rice were approximately 10,075.86 kg and 1,461.46 kg, respectively. The highest hotspots in Nakhon Sawan province areas were observed in December, January, and February, respectively. The districts most vulnerable to burning in the agricultural areas were Nong Bua, Tha Tako and Phaisali. In addition, correlation analysis showed that hotspot numbers that appeared were correlated with PM2.5 levels in the ambient air. However, the study results could potentially be utilized for supporting information for establishing guidelines for effectively, rapidly and efficiently preventing and dealing with PM2.5 particulate concerns and burning in the paddy fields of Nakhon Sawan Province and Lower Northern Provincial Cluster.
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- 2023-12-20 (1)
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