Flour, Starch, Gold Apple, Nutritional valueAbstract
The objectives of this study were to produce the gold apple (Diospyros decandra Lour.) flour and to determine the nutritional values. The flour production from gold apple raw fruits were prepared using three different methods including dry, wet and semi-dry millings. The result showed that dry milling process exhibited the highest production yield of 13.04% (P<0.05), followed by semi-dry and wet milling processes of 10.80 and 3.24%, respectively. In the proximate analysis of dry milled flour, the contents of carbohydrate, moisture, protein, ash and lipid were 80.43, 7.44, 6.19, 3.52, and 0.42 g/100 g, respectively. Herein, the crude fiber was found of 7.94 g/100 g. The resistant starch content was also found to be 30.37% dry weight. Additionally, the energy 334.26 Kcal/100 g, calcium (40.71 mg/100 g), sodium 6.72 mg/100 g), iron (1.44 mg/100 g) and vitamin A (6.34 µg/100 g) were also detected. The results from this study are likely to be applied for further development and high value-adding gold apple flour in various industries.
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