
  • Kritchana Nissa Maejo University, Phrae Campus
  • Thanakorn Lattirasuvan
  • Teeka Yothapakdee
  • Piyapit Khonkaen


Progeny test, Full sip control pollination, Wood volume, Cost of seedling from cutting, Wood value


This study aims to analyze and test on full sip control pollination of teak and in order to evaluate teak volume, bio-mass and carbon contain of 12 years old teak plantation, Economic value analysis was evaluated between the breeding seedling and the natural seedling. The study was conducted in Dong Lan Silvicultural Research Center, Amphoe Choompae, Khon Kaen Province. The study also tested and analyzed data of 54 samples consisting of 50 seedlings from full sip control pollination, seedling from 3 mother trees and 1 seedling from natural teak. Randomization completed block design (RCBD) was demonstrated with 4 replications. We determined planting space as 4x4 m and 9 seedlings were selected from each seedling number. The results showed that good characteristics of mother trees as No. V194 and No. V211. The good characteristics of father trees were No. V130, No. V290 and No. V146, respectively. The last one was No. V290 also showed good characters both mother and father trees. Quantitative analysis, the average stem volume was 14.616 m3/rai. The highest stem volume was No. C1 that provided average volume as 0.366 m3/tree which is about 1.8 times of No. E5. The total biomass showed that 7,198.74 kg/rai. The carbon storage was 3,455,358 kg carbon/rai and CO2 contains as 12,669.766 kg carbon/rai. Value analysis of breeding seedling  valued at 4,179.60 Baht/tree. Our study can be used to promote and extend to farmers or those interested to grow teak plantation. Teak seedling from the full-sip control pollination provenance provided the yielding-approximately 3 times of common seedlings both in the monoculture and agroforestry. Finally, the good management in forest plantation by using appropriate silvicultural practices will provide high productivity and quality of the teakwood.


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How to Cite

Nissa, K., Lattirasuvan, T. . ., Yothapakdee, T. . ., & Khonkaen, P. . . (2021). EVALUATION OF THE PROGENY TEST AND ESTIMATING THE STEM VOLUME, BIOMASS AND CARBON STORAGE OF 12-YEAR-OLD TEAK IN KHON KAEN PROVINCE. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 6(3), 1–16. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Scipsru/article/view/244510



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