
  • Sasithon Thaenthong
  • Akabhatkan Patan
  • Nantharak Rodkate
  • Wilasinee Deepanya
  • Ruchira Khoomsab Phetchabun Rajabhat University


Local rice varieties, Phetchabun, Cooking treatments, Resistant starch


Increasing the amount of resistant starch in various rice varieties was the purpose of this research. Rice varieties used in the experiment were Jasmine rice, RD 43, Luem Pua, Khao Hmong, Paya Luem Kaeng and Rong Thanon. First, rices will be cooked in five methods and then analyzed for the amount of resistant starch. It was found that cooked rice had 7.15 - 16.35% of resistant starch depend on polishing and varieties. Brown rice had higher resistant starch than polished rice. Methods of increasing the amount of resistant starch in rice varieties were found that 1) Resistant starch in jasmine rice were 6.52-7.56% while raw rice had resistant starch similar to cooked rice 2) RD 43 had 6.57-8.81% of resistant starch, while the best method for increasing resistant starch in this rice to 18.10% was ultrasonic, autoclaving and chilling, respectively 3) Luem Pua, cooked brown rice by microwave and chilling was increased resistant starch to 26.05% 4) White Hmong had 7.61-11.07% of resistant starch and cooking by rice cooker was increased resistant starch to 37.69% 5) Paya Luem Kaeng had 9.03-9.72% of resistant starch, while cooking by rice cooker and chilling for 60 hours was the best method for increasing resistant starch to 12.89% 6) Resistant starch in Rong Thanon was 8.86-11.10% and the best method was cooking by rice cooker. Therefore, this information can be used in choosing rice consumption. The methods possibly increase the highest amount of resistant starch and make the rice become more health functional food.


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How to Cite

Thaenthong, S. . ., Patan, A. . ., Rodkate, N. . ., Deepanya, W. . ., & Khoomsab, R. (2021). EFFECT OF COOKING TREATMENTS ON RESISTANT STARCH CONTENT IN LOCAL RICE VARIETY GROWN IN PHETCHABUN PROVINCE . PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 6(3), 135–146. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Scipsru/article/view/244251



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