
  • Dusit Phothong
  • Nantida Khamsri
  • Pisit Poolprasert Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok Thailand, 65000


Sensitivity, Aedes aegypti, Synthetic insecticides


The objective of this study was to explore the sensitivity of Aedes aegypti to different synthetic insecticides. Mosquito larvae were gathered from main six districts within three main representative provinces Including Muang and Noen Maprang districts (Phitsanulok), Muang and Thung Saliam districts (Sukhothai) and Muang and Nam Pat districts (Uttaradit) in the lower northern part of Thailand. After all mosquitoes were bred and raised under the laboratory condition until becoming adults, susceptibility test according to the standard method of the World Health Organization was performed. It was revealed that Ae. aegypti obtained from every area demonstrated resistance to Alpha-cypermethrin 0.03%, Lambda-cyhalothrin 0.03%. Meanwhile, Ae. aegypti began to develop incipient resistance to Deltamethrin 0.15% in almost all areas except Ae. aegypti gathered from Muang Uttaradit that was susceptible to Deltamethrin 0.15% accounting for 100% of mortality rate. Based on the probit analysis (KT50 and KT95) after exposure, the mean KT50 and KT95 of Ae. aegypti exposed to Alpha-cypermethrin 0.03% were the lowest in Thung Saliam districts (Sukhothai) (69.20 minutes) and Noen Maprang (Phitsanulok) (109.99 minutes). For Lambda-cyhalothrin 0.03%, the mean KT50 and KT95 of Ae. aegypti were the lowest in Thung Saliam districts (Sukhothai) (69.30 minutes) and Muang (Uttaradit) (98.69 minutes). Whereas, Ae. aegypti gained from Nam Pat (Uttaradit) illustrated the lowest mean KT50 and KT95 of the treated mosquitoes (Deltamethrin 0.15%) of 22.31 and 51.64 minutes, respectively. Nonetheless, the use of chemicals should be considered when it is necessary and it should be correctly chosen according to academic principles. The sensitivity test of Aedes mosquitoes should be continuously performed. All obtained results could be the basic information for decision making to use chemicals safely and efficiently.   

Author Biography

Pisit Poolprasert, Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok Thailand, 65000

Lecturer in Biology Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Phitsanulok Thailand, 65000   


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How to Cite

Phothong, D., Khamsri, N. . ., & Poolprasert, P. (2020). SYNTHETIC INSECTICIDES SUSCEPTIBLE OF AEDES AEGYPTI IN THE AREAS OF LOWER NORTHERN PART OF THAILAND . PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2), 1–12. retrieved from



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