
  • Pornchai Luangvaree Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University
  • Yardrung Suwannarat
  • Thaworn Chimliang
  • Tananun Supakitjanon


meat, Herb Sai Oua, low fat, health lovers


This research aimed to study the effect of using different meat (pork, chicken and some freshwater fish) on the quality of Herb Sai Oua (Spicy Thai Herb Sausage). The experiment was divided into six groups depends on raw material that consisted of pork hips mixed with lard (control), pork hips, chicken breast, tilapia meat, snake fish meat and big catfish meat, respectively. The experimental design of this experiment was Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Four replication was conducted in each group. After production, the chemical composition, water activity (aw), % cooking loss and color (L* a* b*) of Herb Sai Oua were analyzed. The experimental design for the sensory evaluation was Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) and also the production cost was calculated. The results found that Herb Sai Oua from snake fish meat had the highest moisture content and Herb Sai Oua from pork hips mixed with lard had the lowest moisture content (P<0.05). Herb Sai Oua from chicken breast had the highest protein equal to 24.79 %, while Herb Sai Oua from snake fish meat had the lowest protein equal to 17.71 % (P<0.05). Herb Sai Oua from pork hips had the highest fat and energy. Herb Sai Oua from tilapia meat had the lowest fat and energy (P<0.05). No significantly different of ash content in every groups. For the aw of the Herb Sai Oua in every groups showed the value between 0.889-0.911. The % cooking loss after cooking of Herb Sai Oua from chicken breast was the highest and Herb Sai Oua from big catfish meat was the lowest. Herb Sai Oua from big catfish meat had the lowest L* and b* (P<0.05). Herb Sai Oua from chicken breast had the highest L* and b* but had the lowest a* (P<0.05). Herb Sai Oua from snake fish meat had the highest a* (P<0.05). For the sensory evaluation, the consumers liked Herb Sai Oua in every groups experiment in the rate neither like nor dislike to like moderately with liking score 5.08-6.82 (P<0.05). Uncooked Herb Sai Oua from tilapia meat cost per 1 kg raw material was the highest, while uncooked Herb Sai Oua from chicken breast cost was the lowest. When considering the nutrition and consumer acceptance of Herb Sai Oua, the manufacturer can use the pork hips, chicken breast and fish meat as raw material to produce the low fat Herb Sai Oua for the health lovers.


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How to Cite

Luangvaree, P., Suwannarat, Y., Chimliang, T., & Supakitjanon, T. (2019). EFFECT OF MEAT TYPES ON QUALITY OF HEALTHY HERB SAI OUA. PSRU Journal of Science and Technology, 4(2), 54–68. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Scipsru/article/view/179894



Research Articles